Template:Necromancy Powers

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  Name Pos. Type Casting Cooldown Duration Range Area
Vampirism 1 Direct 1 30 20
Drains health from the target.
Darkness 2 Constant 2 50 7,9,11,15,20 20
The target cannot receive positive spells including self-buffs.
Infuriate 3 Constant 1.5 30 30 25
Reduces the target's armor points.
Vitality Absorption 4 Passive
Passive. For each point of damage the warlock deals, a percentage is added back to the wounded warlock's health.
Sadistic Guards 5 Constant 1 60 60 25
Reduces the target's spell resist chance.
Sadistic Servants 6 Constant 1 30 30 25
Drains mana from the target over time and adds to the warlock's own reserve.
Soulkeeper 7 Constant 2 60 30 25
Drains a large amount of health from the target (up to 1000), adds to the warlock's own reserve, and reduces the target's strength.
Cremation 8 Constant 4 80 5 2
Sends a dead enemy back to their Resurrection Altar.
Possess Summoning 9 Direct 4 60 20
Allows the warlock to possess an enemy conjurer's summon with a certain chance of success (100% at level 5).
Master of Doom 10 Aura 2.5 180 30 10
Creates a darkness aura with a radius of 10 meters around the warlock. Enemies affected by it cannot cast spells and have reduced constitution.