The Way to Montsognir

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The Way to Montsognir
Level: 10 Class: All
Given by: Rottersvall Village class trainer
XP: 600 Gold: 1000

"The Way to Montsognir" is a level 10 quest in the Alsius realm, given by Rottersvall Village Class Trainers.


Your trainer tells you it's about time you head for Montsognir City. Another trainer waits there to continue your training and inform you on Montsognir's situation. You are to take a note to brief the trainer some recent events.

In order to get to Montsognir you must go to the portal, located south of Rottersvall, and speak to Riam. He will teleport you to the other side of the wall. Once you have crossed over, go straight up Herulf's Slope and follow the path that winds towards the entrance to Montsognir. There, Balim will tell you where to find your Montsognir City Class Trainer.


  1. Speak to
  2. Go to Herulf's Slope
  3. Speak to
  4. Give Trainer's note to your Montsognir City class trainer


See also