Mysterious Mineral

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Mysterious Mineral
Level: 11 Class: All
Given by: Altaruk City subclass trainer
XP: 800 Gold: 0

"Mysterious Mineral" is a level 11 quest in the Ignis realm, given by Altaruk City Subclass Trainers.


I guess by now you've heard the story about the guardian heroes of our lands, Alexia, Sigfrid, and Mariak, Ignis protectors in the former times. What you probably haven't heard is that, besides their bravery and combat prowess, the guardians offered something more relevant to the ever growing war power of Ignis; the importance of Magnanite. The Magnanite is a mineral that's not available in large quantities in our lands, but can be found throughout the entire kingdom, if you look hard enough. It's a malleable but highly resistant material and, with proper knowledge, it can be used to forge weapons of great power.

After a fierce battle between the guardians and the powerful wizards of Syrtis, a portal opened because of the convergence of conjurer and necromantic magic. The guardians were dragged towards the portal by a mystic force and teleported to the demonic world of Borajh. After the dangerous journey that took them throughout the world of Borajh, the guardians found a temple, protecting the portal that would return them to this world. Inside the temple they found an exotic weapon, resting on the arms of a statue; a celestial being's statue. The heroes took the weapon and brought it to our world, where it was analyzed by our best steel artisans. The artisans got to the conclusion that, using a specific process, the Magnanite could be transformed into an object with so amazing properties that seems to possess magic of its own.

After years of research and experimentation, the Magnanite secrets were eventually discovered, and are still used by the best blacksmiths and weaponsmiths of the kingdom.

You should go and talk to Dalos. The blacksmith will tell you more about Magnanite.


  1. Speak to
  2. Speak to

See also