Missing Runestones - The Map (Syrtis)

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Missing Runestones - The Map
Level: 39 Class: All
Given by:
XP: 5025 Gold: 5000
Warrior: Halberd Spear

"Missing Runestones - The Map" is a level 39 quest in the Syrtis realm, given by Porlas.


Porlas: I have completed the Potion. All you have to do is take this to the Runstones Chest you put the runstones into, open the Runstones Chest, and pour the contents into the Runstones Chest. Close the Runstones Chest and lock it. Wait and few seconds, and when you open the Runestsones Chest, you will find a small Parchment with Drawings. It may look like nothing to you, but it is the exact location of where the rune stones are.

Porlas: Hmmm, yes, this is exactly what we need. It should only take me a few seconds.

Hmmm... that is the marking of... and these are for... hmm...

Here it is. The markings say that your rune stones are in Arvanna's Valley. I have written it down my findins for you to take to the king's nobleman. I'm sure he will pardon you for your mistakes once he sends his soldiers to bring the runes back.

Ancalimon Jadescribe: I see. So the Runestones Chest was linked to somewhere else, and every time you found a rune stone and put it into the Runestones Chest, it was magically sent to another location.

This surely sounds like the work of our enemies.

I will take this to the council and we will prepare the troops.

In the meantime, I have prepared your Pardon... and seeing the progress that you have made, I will excuse your previous mistakes. You will still have your reputation to deal with. Your countrymen may not be as forgiving as I am.

Take your Pardon to the general; he must sign it before I can approve it.

Barad Spellstrike: Ahem, what can I do for you? I am to sign this Pardon for you? Hmmm, let me see here... in declaration of recent acts of bravery... ... all previous charges will be dropped... ... previous status will be renewed...

Ok, it all looks good to me. I'll sign this right here, and putmy seal on it.

You are ready to go.

Welcome back soldier.

Ancalimon Jadescribe: You have your Pardon signed? Splendid! All is once again how it was.

You should konw that we should be in possession of all the rune stones that were lost on account of your being tricked. As we speak, a group of scouts have already spotted the enemy, and some of our most skilled soldiers are on their way to reacquire the rune stones.

Come speak to me in the morning and we will celebrate the victory of our kingdom!


  1. Use Potion with Runestones Chest
  2. Interact with Runestones Chest
  3. Interact with Runestones Chest
  4. Give Parchment with Drawings to
  5. Give Map to Rune Stones to
  6. Speak to
  7. Give Pardon to

See also