Greathen's Runestone - Introduction

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Greathen's Runestone - Introduction
Level: 25 Class: All
Given by:
XP: 2100 Gold: 7500

"Greathen's Runestone - Introduction" is a level 25 quest in the Ignis realm, given by Tarik.


Greathen the mage is the next rune stone that we must focus on. Greathen was teh sole creator of the magic that we now use to make healing potions, potions that increase your strenght, and all amulets and rings that help you in battle. it is because of him that we have been able to succeed in battles that last years. He is truly a legend in the elven lore.

I have put Razak from Allahed Town in charge of seeking this rune stone, but I have received recent word from him that he has run into some problems tracking it down. I was thinking that perhaps you would be so inclined to help him while I inform the Order of the progress that we have made.

Go to Allahed Town and speak with Razak and see what trouble he has been having... I'm sure he will succeed with your absolute assistance. Take this letter to him and he will know what to do.


  1. Go to Allahed Town
  2. Give letter to

See also