An expensive war (Syrtis)

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An expensive war
Level: 50 Class: All
Given by:
XP: 0 Gold: 0
Master Coins: 100

"An expensive war" is a level 50 quest in the Syrtis realm, given by Ancalimon Jadescribe.


Ancalimon Jadescribe said...

The realm's economy is still strong, but a war this long could bring unexpected consequences.

None of the Nobles and Generals dares predicting a victory soon enough, and we have to guarantee future provisions for our soldiers.

That's why, to prevent any inconvenience, we turn to our citizens for a donation.

Will you do it? If so, go to Ulren Asir Village and visit Irmuu's store. You'll be able to acquire Fine Fabric Pieces.

Once you get 5 Fine Fabric Pieces, give them to Basilissa.

Your generosity will be rewarded.


  1. Go to Ulren Asir Village
  2. Speak to
  3. Give Fine Fabric Pieces to
  4. Speak to


Fine Fabric Pieces cost 20,000 gold each. This quest effectively converts 100,000 gold into 100 warmaster coins. Talking to the merchant does not give you the Fine Fabric Pieces. You must click on Commerce and buy the Fine Fabric Pieces through the usual buying interface.

This quest is repeatable and resets daily at 3:00 GMT.

See also