The swindlers (Ignis)

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The swindlers
Level: 23 Class: All
Given by:
XP: 5000 Gold: 0

"The swindlers" is a level 23 quest in the Ignis realm, given by Valcanna.


Valcanna said...

I think Annuar, one of the town merchants, is stealing from his customers. I'm not sure how, or why, because he is kind of a coward actually, and I don't think he would dare to do something like this to the citizens.

This strange situation started when he met Derland, who's now helping him in his shop.

Go talk to both of them and see what you can find out.

Derland said...

Hello there my friend! I'm surprised you wanna know about me, I don't think there's something interetsing to know. I'm just a working citizen, as any other. As for these stories you tell me, I assure you they're just rumors.

Annuar said...

Valcanna suspects about us? This isn't good at all; Derland said everything would be fine, that no one would notice... I mean...

Nothing, if you want to know something ask him, I'm nothing more than a poor merchant.

Derland said... Listen BUDDY, I've told you already that I'm not hiding anything. I don't like Valcanna s spoiled little brats coming here to intimidate me. Why don't you make yourself useful, go to the tavern and bring me a drink?

That will help me relax...

Valcanna says... If there's anything worse than a thief, it's a drunk one. Well, I see you've handled this matter with discretion and efficiency. You must be rewarded.

Come back later, I'm sure I'll have some other task for you.


  1. Speak to
  2. Speak to
  3. Speak to
  4. Interact with Barrel
  5. Give Jar to
  6. Speak to

See also